
Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Thomas Alpha Edison

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* Inventions
* Thomas Edison
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* Biography
* Best New Inventions

Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio; the seventh and last child of Samuel and Nancy Edison. When Edison was seven his family moved to Port Huron, Michigan. Edison lived here until he struck out on his own at the age of sixteen. Edison had very little formal education as a child, attending school only for a few months. He was taught reading, writing, and arithmetic by his mother, but was always a very curious child and taught himself much by reading on his own. This belief in self-improvement remained throughout his life.

Work as a Telegrapher
Edison began working at an early age, as most boys did at the time. At thirteen he took a job as a newsboy, selling newspapers and candy on the local railroad that ran through Port Huron to Detroit. He seems to have spent much of his free time reading scientific, and technical books, and also had the opportunity at this time to learn how to operate a telegraph. By the time he was sixteen, Edison was proficient enough to work as a telegrapher full time.

First Patent
The development of the telegraph was the first step in the communication revolution, and the telegraph industry expanded rapidly in the second half of the 19th century. This rapid growth gave Edison and others like him a chance to travel, see the country, and gain experience. Edison worked in a number of cities throughout the United States before arriving in Boston in 1868. Here Edison began to change his profession from telegrapher to inventor. He received his first patent on an electric vote recorder, a device intended for use by elected bodies such as Congress to speed the voting process. This invention was a commercial failure. Edison resolved that in the future he would only invent things that he was certain the public would want.

Marriage to Mary Stilwell
Edison moved to New York City in 1869. He continued to work on inventions related to the telegraph, and developed his first successful invention, an improved stock ticker called the "Universal Stock Printer". For this and some related inventions Edison was paid $40,000. This gave Edison the money he needed to set up his first small laboratory and manufacturing facility in Newark, New Jersey in 1871. During the next five years, Edison worked in Newark inventing and manufacturing devices that greatly improved the speed and efficiency of the telegraph. He also found to time to get married to Mary Stilwell and start a family.

Move to Menlo Park
In 1876 Edison sold all his Newark manufacturing concerns and moved his family and staff of assistants to the small village of Menlo Park, twenty-five miles southwest of New York City. Edison established a new facility containing all the equipment necessary to work on any invention. This research and development laboratory was the first of its kind anywhere; the model for later, modern facilities such as Bell Laboratories, this is sometimes considered to be Edison's greatest invention. Here Edison began to change the world.

The first great invention developed by Edison in Menlo Park was the tin foil phonograph. The first machine that could record and reproduce sound created a sensation and brought Edison international fame. Edison toured the country with the tin foil phonograph, and was invited to the White House to demonstrate it to President Rutherford B. Hayes in April 1878.


When she was small, and her father was alive, we shared a beautiful room downstairs. But after her father died, she was put in the attic. I naturally followed, because I knew she would need my company. And need me she did. At first, she thought of me only as a common ordinary mouse. Night after night she would throw me crumbs. (I thought she was very kind). Then one night, after her step-mother locked the door, she began to cry. I climbed up on Cindy's lap. She talked to me and gave me my name. I thought at the time it was a nerdy name, "Oscar", but I am used to it now. I even kind-of like it.

Everyday I watched Cindy work sooo hard. Finally one day, quite by accident, I found a way to help her. You see, her step-sisters were ordering her around, and they made her cry. Cindy cried a lot. ( I never knew a girl could hold so much water!.) Anyway, I ran to Cindy and they saw me.

Boy, you should have seen them clear the room!. Faster than a speeding bullet-- they almost broke their necks as they ran screaming from the room. You should have heard them! "Eeeek... a Mouse!","Mother!!", "Help!!!". Cindy and I laughed so hard. It was a really good moment.

Then there was the time when I hid on a plate of food that was meant for Cindy's step-mother. When she saw me, first she fainted, then she had hysterics for three days!. Three days of peace!, that was really nice!.

The only other person who was not afraid of me was Esmerelda. She was Cindy's fairy God-Mother. We called her Essie for short. She just popped up on the day of the big ball. Poor Cindy had run herself ragged waiting on those step-sisters, trying to do the impossible, and make them.. not beautiful..but just presentable. I mean they were sooo ugly... it wasn't skin deep, it was all the way to the bone!.

Anyway, Cindy was talking to me in the garden, when this strange looking woman walked through the gate. Most people think she magically appeared in a beautiful white light, but she didn't.

She just walked in the yard with a brown Foodtown shopping bag in her hand. I really thought she was here for a hand-out. Cindy must have thought the same thing, because she offered her a glass of milk and some cookies. She didn't look much like a fairy God-mother, either. Her dress was torn, her shoes had holes, and her hair... well, let's just say I've seen a better hair-do on a horse I used to know.

I mean, this fairy God-mother looked like she needed a fairy God-mother.

I was about to say something like "Hit the road", when Essie asked Cindy why she was not preparing to go to the ball. Cindy told her she had no clothes or transportation. Well!, faster than you could say " the rat ate the cheese", the old woman reaches into her bag and pulls out the most beautiful blue ball gown you have ever seen!. It was royal blue, with little white stars, and it was just Cindy's size!. Then, she reached in her bag again and pulled out a white evening bag, a silver crown, and the famous glass slippers. ( I had to turn my head while she provided the unmentionables.) Then she told Cindy to hop to it, and go change her clothes, while she sees what can be done about the transportation. I told her to call a cab, but she said "One does not arrive at a Kings palace in a cab or a rent-a car!".

Anyway, while I'm looking around for something to use, the old girl goes in the bag again, and pulls out a small coach. It was just about my size. She put it on the ground, and darned if the thing didn't begin to grow!. I ran for cover. When the coach finally stopped growing, it was just right for Cindy. The wonders of modern science!

Right then Essie called me, and.. like a dumb-dumb, I came. Before I knew what hit me, I had four hoofs and a tail. Seeing my alarm, Essie assured me it was only temporary. I didn't mind a little sacrifice for the cause (but I hate oats!).

By this time Cindy appeared, and she was looking hot!. (I even tried to whistle, but it came out a whinny). Cindy got into the coach and then we all realized the old girl had forgotten one thing... a driver.

So she grabbed a frog hopping through the garden, and turned him into a driver.

If you ask me, we would have saved a lot of time if she had just made him a Prince instead. They're always doing that in other fairy tales, but noooooo, we had to do things the hard way.

Cindy was a smash at the ball. The Prince was totally captivated.
At midnight, they were going to get a cold drink of lemonade, when Cindy's dress started to come apart.

Well!, it didn't take a genius to figure out that she'd better get out of there. So she took off, with the Prince on her trail. .

Fortunately he was clumsy, and he tripped. That gave Cindy just enough time to jump into the coach and leave the Palace grounds. About half-way home the coach shrank so small, that Cindy had to get out and walk. It was then when she realized she had lost a shoe. Hobbling home on one shoe is no joke!.

All night long, Cindy talked about the Prince, the ball, and the great time she had. It was like her tongue got stuck by a phonograph needle. Essie finally gave up and left about 4:30 a.m., mumbling something about creating a monster. Cindy wore herself out around 6:00 am. It was a good thing the "steps" slept late that morning, or Cindy wouldn't have had any sleep at all!. Later that afternoon, the word came through the cheese-vine. The Prince would begin a search for the love of his life tomorrow. He had fallen in love at the ball last night, with a young lady he knew only by a slipper she left behind.

I was so excited to hear this news, I immediately went to tell Cindy. I must say she took the news rather well. With just a "Oh, that's nice to hear", she went back to her work. (I was expecting at least one jump for joy!)

The next day, the Prince came to our house and the "steps", (including their mother!), all tried to get their size 10 feet into this size 4 slipper. It's a wonder the poor slipper didn't break!. Cindy was locked in the garden and had no chance to try on the slipper.

That is when I saved the day.

As the Prince entered his coach, I ran under the horses hoofs. The stupid beasts were so frightened of a little mouse, they ran straight through the garden gate, nearly trampling Cindy in the process. It's a good thing that girl is light on her feet!.

The Prince was so apologetic it took him at least ten minutes before he realized this girl had not tried on the slipper. Well... we all know the end. She tried it on, it fit like a glove, and they lived happily ever after.

So the next time you hear the story of Cinderella, remember you heard the real story here first...from

a small grey mouse named Oscar.

Hati-Hati Terhadap FB anda

Menjamurnya jejaring sosial Facebook di Indonesia tidak hanya menimbulkan manfaat dan reaksi positif, tetapi juga hal-hal negatif. Salah satu yang paling saya tidak suka atau malah sangat membencinya adalah bila ada orang yang melakukan Hacking akun Facebook. Apalah yang bisa didapatkan dari meng-hack akun facebook orang lain, rasa senang? kebanggaan? Paling-paling tutorialnya juga nyari di Internet, tinggal contek, kalau begitu si semua orang bisa. Jika memang ingin belajar ngehack, coba aja dengan akun facebook sendiri, bagaimana caranya bisa masuk Facebook tanpa login, kan lebih baik, dari pada ngehack-ngehack akun facebook orang lain gak jelas.

Oke, sekarang ke pokok permasalahan. Karena hal-hal yang sudah saya utarakan diatas tadi, tentunya kita perlu berhati-hati dalam menggunakan facebook ini. Agar akun Facebook Anda aman-aman saja, Anda juga harus tahu cara apa saja yang dilakukan hacker untuk membobol akun facebook Anda. Jadi disini, akan saya paparkan secara umum mengenai cara-cara apa saja yang digunakan hacker untuk membobol akun Facebook Anda. Tujuannnya bukan untuk mengajari cara membobol facebook orang lain, tetapi bila Anda tahu caranya, tentu Anda juga akan tahu langkah apa yang harus dilakukan untuk menghindarinya bukan? Seperti kasus pembobolan ATM yang saat ini marak terjadi, dalam rangka memberi keterangan ke publik mengenai cara menghindarinya, banyak stasiun TV yang menginformasikan dan memperagakan cara membobol ATM ini.

Berikut adalah cara-cara hacking facebook yang sering digunakan:

1. Membekukan alamat email kita

Ii adalah cara yang sering dilakukan Hacker yang baru belajar atau sekedar ingin tahu. Dengan cara ini, korban tidak akan bisa login dengan alamat emailnya lagi. Cara ini membutuhkan sebuah software yang disebut Facebook Freezer. Namun cara ini masih mempunyai kelemahan, yaitu korban bisa mereset password facebooknya kembali (melalui halaman forgot password), dan akunnya akan bisa diakses kembali.

2. Membuat halaman login palsu

Ini disebut juga Fake Login. Si Hacker akan membuat halaman Login palsu yang mirip dengan halaman login Facebook. Saat korban memasukkan Username dan Passwordnya, otomatis akan tersimpan melalui halaman palsu tersebut dan Hacker pun mendapatkan data Login Anda yang bisa leluasa dia gunakan. Namun cara ini bisa dikenali asalkan Anda cermat. Halaman Login palsu memang sangat mirip tampilannya dengan halaman Login facebook, namun memiliki URL yang sangat berbeda. Jika biasanya Anda Login facebook pada halaman yang memiliki URL, maka halaman login palsu memiliki URL berbeda, misalnya http:/, hampir mirip bukan? Karena itu saat ingin Login Facebook, lihat dulu apakah URLnya sudah benar (, jika sudah aman, baru Login.

3. Menggunakan software keyboard/keylogger

Nah, dengan software ini, hacker bisa memantau kegiatan keyboard computer. Setipa tombol yang ditekan oleh calon korban akan disimpan dengan baik oleh Keylogger ini. Hati-hatilah saat Login di warnet atau tempat-tempat yang bersifat umum. Dan ada baiknya Anda mengecek dulu apakah ada software keylogger yang terinstall di computer tersebut melalui control panel atau melalui bantuan fitur "Search" (jika menggunakan Windows)

4. Menggunakan software pencuri password

Software ini cukup berbahaya dan mengancam bagi para pengguna Facebook. Dengan software ini, Hacker dengan sangat mudah bisa mendapatkan password email dari sang korban. Untuk mencegahnya, sebaiknya anda sembunyikan alamat email anda dari informasi facebook anda. Baca artikel Pengaturan Privasi Facebook untuk mengetahui caranya.

Berhati-hatilah walau pun kita cuma menggunakan Facebook untuk senang-senang, karena hal tak terduga bisa saja terjadi. Jangan sampai kegiatan berfacebook ria yang seharusnya menyenangkan menjadi sebuah malapetaka yang merepotkan Anda sendiri.

Terima kasih…
Comment please…


Meteor adalah penampakan jalur jatuhnya meteoroid ke atmosfer bumi, lazim disebut sebagai bintang jatuh. Penampakan tersebut disebabkan oleh panas yang dihasilkan oleh tekanan ram (bukan oleh gesekan, sebagaimana anggapan umum sebelum ini) pada saat meteoroid memasuki atmosfer. Meteor yang sangat terang, lebih terang daripada penampakan Planet Venus, dapat disebut sebagai bolide.

Jika suatu meteoroid tidak habis terbakar dalam perjalanannya di atmosfer dan mencapai permukaan bumi, benda yang dihasilkan disebut meteorit. Meteor yang menabrak bumi atau objek lain dapat membentuk impact crater.

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Terkadang kita terlalu disibukkan oleh hal-hal yang begitu remeh sehingga kita terlupa untuk segera menyelesaikan tugas besar yang sebetulnya telah menunggu kita untuk diselesaikan. Coba Anda audit lagi apa yang telah Anda lakukan dalam 1 (satu) bulan ini, mungkin ada beberapa hal yang semestinya bisa diselesaikan dengan cepat di awal atau pertengahan bulan.

Kebanyakan manusia memang demikian adanya sehingga banyak hal yang terlewat dari kita semua.

Saya diberikan tips yang sangat bagus oleh sebuah buku … dan ini sudah terbukti. Sangat sederhana tips ini bahkan terkadang Anda meremehkan loh. Begini: untuk menyelesaikan suatu tugas, Anda sebelum berangkat tidur, coba tuliskan 5 hal yang akan Anda selesaikan esok hari. Lalu Anda cukup berangkat tidur setelah menuliskan 5 hal itu.

Dan buktikan esok paginya. Okay, jangan berkomentar dulu – lakukan dan berikan komentar disini setelah Anda mendapatkan buktinya.

Posted in Kata Mutiara Kehidupan, Kata Mutiara Motivasi | 13 Comments »
Attitude and Your Destiny
November 20th, 2009


Halo, kepada ribuan pembaca yang lama saya tinggalkan. Mohon maaf karena kesibukan kerja dan kesibukan BISNIS INTERNET, saya baru bisa menyapa para pembaca setia.

Mereka dengan attitude negatif selalu berpikir, “Saya tidak bisa”

Mereka dengan attitude positif selalu berpikir, “Saya pasti bisa”

Mereka dengan attitude negatif selalu berpikir, “Mungkin ada jalan keluar, tapi terlalu sulit”

Mereka dengan attitude positif selalu berpikir, “Hal ini mungkin sulit, tapi ada jalan keluar”

Mereka dengan attitude negatif selalu pasrah dengan keadaan, sementara mereka dengan attitude positif selalu mengambil tindakan.

Mereka dengan attitude negatif selalu melihat keterbatasan-keterbatasan, sedangkan mereka dengan attitude positif selalu melihat kemungkinan-kemungkinan.

Sikap atau attitude sangat menentukan value kita dalam mengarungi kehidupan ini. Banyak orang mengira bahwa sikap adalah hal sepele yang begitu saja mudah diabaikan. Tapi jangan salah, sikap kita menentukan nasib kita kedepan.

Mau coba? TIDAK BAYAR… coba murahlah senyum dan sapa kepada isteri, anak, orang tua dan tetangga Anda. Dan perhatikan serta catat perubahan yang PASTI terjadi.